24 Jul 2024 Available on Linea! – Checklist for Employment of Young Persons

With many Organisations hiring students during the summer holidays, it’s important to remember that Employers must comply with a wide range of employment laws that aim to protect young workers under the age of 18.

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23 Jul 2024 Compliance Resources to Help Manage Parent’s Leave Changes

The statutory entitlement of Employees to parent’s leave increases from seven to nine weeks from 1st August 2024.

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19 Jul 2024 Dáil Summer Recess – Legislative Developments Update

The Dáil sat for the last time on Thursday, 11th July before the summer recess and will not sit again until 16th September. This nine-week break provides an opportunity to look at a number of significant recent legislative developments.

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12 Jul 2024 Available on Linea Leader! Employee Recognition Programme Template!

The Linea Leader Employee Recognition Programme Template provides a framework for implementing employee recognition programmes to boost morale and engagement and promote a culture of appreciation.

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28 Jun 2024 Employment Legislation Alert: Employment Permits Act 2024

President Higgins has signed the Employment Permits Act 2024 (Act) into law.

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27 Jun 2024 Linea Webinar: Legal Boundaries of Workplace Searches – Balancing Employer and Employee Rights

New Linea Webinar available

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27 Jun 2024 Available on Linea! Major Sporting Events Checklist!

With the Olympics around the corner, it is a good time to recall that major sporting events can have unintended consequences in the workplace. To help HR professionals minimise the risk of disruption during the Olympics, there is a Major Sporting Events checklist on Linea.

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24 Jun 2024 Employment Legislation Alert: Employment Permits Bill 2022

The Employment Permits Bill 2022 has successfully passed both Houses of the Oireachtas and is expected to be signed into law in the coming weeks.

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20 Jun 2024 HR Preparation for Summer Parties

A Summer Party or BBQ is a great way to reward Employees at the midway point of the year.

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