Long-Term Sick Leave – How to Protect Your Organisation and Support Employees

Long-Term Sick Leave – How to Protect Your Organisation and Support Employees

We are delighted to invite you to attend our Linea Webinar Series for 2025.

This webinar is COMPLIMENTARY, but registration is essential.

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The Linea team are proud to host this webinar.

Linea is the most comprehensive, up-to-date online resource available for HR practitioners that provides the latest information on all aspects of HR, Employment Law, Industrial Relations and Health & Safety.

Our Webinar Agenda is as follows:

Webinar: Long-Term Sick Leave - How to Protect Your Organisation and Support Employees
Date: Thursday, 13th February 2025
Time: 11.00 am – 11.40 am
Location: online via Zoom

We have dedicated the last 10 minutes of the webinar to a Q&A.

Managing long-term sick leave involves navigating a complex landscape of statutory obligations, privacy considerations, discrimination risks, and Employer responsibilities. HR Professionals play a key role in supporting Employees during long-term absences and managing this technical area correctly to minimise the risk of breaching the Employee’s employment and privacy rights.

What is this webinar about?

The definition of long-term absence will vary from Organisation to Organisation. What is common to every Organisation however is that managing long-term absence involves a careful balancing act between the Employee’s rights, the Employer's obligations, and ensuring compliance with employment law. This webinar will examine the practical steps to minimise the risks associated with long-term absences as well as the Employee supports to consider as part of efforts to maintain a positive workplace environment.

To support Organisations with their compliance activity in this technical area of Irish employment law, Linea is hosting a webinar on Thursday 13th February 2025 at 11.00am that will examine the key risks and insights including:

  • Defining long-term sick leave
  • Sick leave entitlements – statutory and discretionary
  • Discrimination risks
  • Supports, contacting the Employee and privacy risks
  • Dismissal risks
  • Interaction with statutory leaves
  • Documenting the process

Live Demonstration of the Linea Leader Platform will follow the webinar, for any attendee who wishes to learn more about how Linea Leader supports with the development of strategic HR plans and initiatives through insights, HR benchmarking data, exclusive employment market intelligence and an extensive suite of best practice resources.

Join us at our upcoming webinar for answers to these key questions and more, where we share our experience of supporting Organisations.

Join 100’s of HR practitioners and keep your HR knowledge and skills up-to date.


Paul D Maier is a barrister specialising in the law of work, labour and employment. He is a member of the Law Library in Dublin, Ireland, having been called to the Bar in 2022. He is Treasurer of the Employment Bar Association. Paul appears on behalf of employers and employees at all levels of the Courts, and before the Labour Court and Workplace Relations Commission. He is a qualified arbitrator and is commissioned to lead independent investigations and disciplinary procedures for organisations. He is a member of the Employment Law Association of Ireland, the Health and Safety Lawyer’s Association of Ireland, the Professional, Regulatory and Disciplinary Bar Association, the EU Bar Association, and the Corporate & Insolvency Bar Association.


This is a must-attend webinar for HR practitioners.

This will be an interactive session with questions encouraged from attendees. We look forward to seeing you there!